Make a Political Donation #NSWCouncilElec24

Make a Political Donation #NSWCouncilElec24

The State of NSW has very intricate and complex donation and compliance laws. Turning Point Australia is strongly committed to ensuring to these laws are adhered to. To make a NSW political donation please read this form the following carefully.

In order to make a political donation:
  • You must be a person registered to vote in NSW elections; or
  • You must be a company/organisation that has an ABN or ACN; or
  • You have been approved by the NSW Electoral Commission to make a donation.
AND you must not be a prohibited donor or a close associate of one as is defined in the Electoral Funding Act 2018 (NSW), this includes:
  • a property developer
  • a tobacco industry business entity
  • a for-profit liquor or gambling business; including a registered club if the business undertaken by the registered club includes wagering, betting or other gambling
  • any industry representative organisation where the majority of its members are these entities
  • A director or officer (and/or their spouses) and a person whose voting powers is greater than 20%, are considered to be a close associate for the definition of prohibited donors.
This page is only for donations being made by individuals. Please skip this page if this donation is being made by a company or another type of entity.

Please fill in your details as they would appear on the electoral roll. Please click here to confirm your enrolment with the NSW Electoral Commission checker tool.
This page is only for donations being made by companies, organisations and other incorporated entities. Please use the previous page if this donation is being made by a natural person.

Please fill in your details as they would appear on the ASIC/ABR/Fair Trading register.
Please enter the details of the Director or relevant office holder who is authorised to make this donation on behalf of the entity.


Political Donor Requirements
An individual donor who is a natural person must be enrolled to vote in NSW in order to make a political donation. Donors that are not natural persons, such as Companies, require either an Australian Company Number (ACN) or an Australian Business Number (ABN) to make be eligible to make political donation. Alternatively, a natural person or an entity that has been approved by the NSW Electoral Commission to make political donations may do so.
You must also not be a foreign entity, foreign citizen, or be a ‘prohibited donor’ as defined in the Electoral Funding Act 2018 (NSW).

Prohibited Donors
It is unlawful for a ‘prohibited donor’ a ‘prohibited donor’ as defined in the Electoral Funding Act 2018 (NSW) to make any donation. The Act defines a prohibited donor as a property developer, a tobacco industry business entity, or a for-profit liquor or gambling business (including registered clubs), including any industry representative organisation where the majority of its members are these entities. A close associate of a prohibited donor is also prohibited from making political donations. A director or officer (and/or their spouses) and a person whose voting powers is greater than 20%, are considered to be a close associate for the definition of prohibited donors.

If you are unsure on whether or not you meet the definition of a prohibited donor, you must not donate until you have obtained written legal advice on your status as a prohibited donor and respective eligibility to donate. An application can be made to the NSW Electoral Commission by an entity to request a determination on whether they are a prohibited donor.

Limit on Donations to Third Party Campaigners
The donation cap is $3,800 for aggregated political donations to or for the benefit of a registered Third-Party Campaigner during the 2024/25 financial year. It is unlawful to make donations to more than three Third Party Campaigners within a financial year. A political donation made any time after 30 June 2024 is to be taken into account as a donation made during the 2024/25 financial year.

Disclosure Warning
If you make a political donation of $1,000 or more, or you make numerous political donations that total to $1,000 or more, then you must complete and lodge a declaration with the New South Wales Electoral Commission in accordance with the Electoral Funding Act 2018 (NSW).

A political donation includes a contribution or any type of fee. You must also disclose a political donation of less than $1,000 if the aggregate sum of the political donations made by you in respect of the same Third-Party Campaigner the same financial year is $1,000 or more.

The NSW Electoral Commission may impose significant penalties for failing to lodge an accurate declaration or failing to lodge in time. Please contact our Official Agent or the NSW Electoral Commission if you need further information.

I declare that as of the time of making this donation:
Authorised by Joel Jammal for Turning Point Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 3001/376 Bay Street, BRIGHTON-LE-SANDS NSW 2216

• No identifying information is collected or stored. We won’t know if you’ve used our system.
• For general voting advice, please visit the NSW Electoral Commission website.